The meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM by President Lewis Harrison at MONK'S.   Veteran and Member Larry Schaefer led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.    


Members Present:  Sue Klingman, Tom Rohrer, Warren and Joan Busjahn,  Lewis and Judy Harrison, Pat and Nancy Snyder, Larry Schaefer and Cindy Komornick, Harvey and Carol Baumbach, Sarah O'Neil, Ron Krueger, Doug Skapyak,  Dale and Marcie Walters, Jared and Barb Spitsburg, and Jack Halbleib.


No new members were present and no speaker was scheduled.


Approval of Minutes:   Since we had an abbreviated meeting in December for our Holiday Party the minutes from November 12 and December 10, 2024 both required approval.  Minutes were distributed electronically and available at the meeting.  Approved on a Motion by Pat Snyder/Warren Busjahn: Carried


Treasurer's Report:  Sarah provided reports for December and January.  December, 2024 Income was Interest of $1.36 and Dues Income of $75.00 and 50-50 of $60.00.  Expenses were Flowers of $19.80 and $112.67 (Mary Halbleib funeral),  Veteran's Dessert  $40.91 and Guest Speaker Meal of $21.09.  Checking Balance was $476.57 and Savings Balance of $4259.69 for total assets of $4,736.26.  January, 2025 had income of $51.00 from 50-50, Sponsor Support of $250.00 and expenses of $143.88 for website renewal and $26.35 for stamps and Sofas for Service.  Current balance of Checking $357.34 and Savings $4511.14 for Total Assets of $4,868.48.  Accepted on Motion by Jack Halbleib/Warren Busjahn: Carried


Old Business:

Larry delivered the collected Toys for Tots from our Christmas Party to Salvation Army who were very appreciative.


Tom Rohrer posted pictures of our Holiday celebration on our Facebook page.  Thanks Tom!


Repair List – Apparently rodents like windshield washer fluid.  Nancy reported that a rat (they live on the farm) enjoyed eating the cap off the windshield washer container to get at the sweet tasting (and hopefully deadly!) fluid.  Thank God it was only on the Audi!!!  Caught the varmint as well!!!


Sponsor Update – We received our quarterly support payment from our great club sponsor GUNDERSON CHEVROLET in Osseo.  Be sure to thank them when you have your vehicles serviced there or when you are looking to upgrade your ride!!!


New Business:


Installation of Officers- Nancy Snyder officiated over the Installation of our 2025 CVCC Officers:  President: Lewis Harrison, Vice-President: Pat Snyder, Treasurer: Sarah O'Neil and Secretary: Jack Halbleib.  Congratulations and thank you to our leadership for the upcoming year!


Sunshine Committee- Let Warren know of anyone needed a card of encouragement or celebration!  Prayers for Barb Corbin's new granddaughter who arrived a little early.  


Ride Master Report- Lewis has set up a Dine Out for Saturday, January 25th at FAMOUS DAVE'S, at 2:00 PM in Eau Claire.  Let's beat the winter blahs with some fellowship.


Since our next meeting is close to Valentine's Day the club authorized Jack to order a special dessert for our next meeting.


50-50 Winner:  Sarah O'Neil was the lucky winner of $33.00 in our 50-50!!!




Skap reported that he and John Hepfler will be doing Route 66 this summer, expecting to be gone for several weeks.  


Jack is planning a trip to Greenfield Village in Dearborn, MI as well as the Gilmore Museum.  He will report on this possible future destination for a Corvette Caravan later in the year.


Jan 25, Sat – Dine out at FAMOUS DAVE'S in Eau Claire.  2:00 PM  Let Lewis know is you plan to come!


Next Meeting:  TUESDAY, February 11, 2025 at MONK'S.  Eat at 6:00 PM, meeting to follow, dessert will be provided.  


Recorded by:   


Jack Halbleib  

