The meeting was called to order at 6:45 PM by President Lewis Harrison at MONK'S.   Veteran and Member Larry Schaefer led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.    


Members Present:  Sue Klingman, Tom Rohrer, Warren and Joan Busjahn,  Lewis and Judy Harrison, Pat and Nancy Snyder, Larry Schaefer and Cindy Komornick, Harvey and Carol Baumbach, Sarah O'Neil, Doug Skapyak,  Dale and Marcie Walters, Jared and Barb Spitsburg, Steve Coach, Pete Klug and Jack Halbleib.  A special dessert was provided for Valentine's Day (Judy H. made wonderful chocolate cake and Jack picked up raspberry cream cheese dessert) and Roses for the ladies courtesy of Doug Skpayak.


No new members were present and no speaker was scheduled.


Approval of Minutes:   Minutes of January 14, 2025 were distributed electronically and available at the meeting.  Approved on a Motion by Tom Rohrer/Jerry Salow: Carried


Treasurer's Report:  Sarah provided report for February.  February Income was Interest of $1.53 and Dues Income of $25.00, $2.00 Nametag Fine and 50-50 of $33.00.  Expenses were Website $37.17,  $300.00 for room rental for 2025 and Transfer to Checking from Savings for a Checking Balance was $280.17 and Savings Balance of $4312.67 for total assets of $4,592.84.  Accepted on Motion by Jack Halbleib/Tom Rohrer: Carried


Old Business:

Museum Brick in memory of Mary Lee Halbleib has been ordered by Tom.  


Repair List – Several club members have recently used Discount Tires.  Darrin the Manager was our Guest Speaker in the Fall.  All had excellent experience there!


Sponsor Update – We appreciate our quarterly support payment from our great club sponsor GUNDERSON CHEVROLET in Osseo.  Be sure to thank them when you have your vehicles serviced there or when you are looking to upgrade your ride!!!


New Business:


Sunshine Committee- Let Warren know of anyone needed a card of encouragement or celebration!  Prayers for Barb Corbin's new granddaughter who arrived a little early.  Sarah has a link for CARINGBRIDGE and will get the information to the Club Members. Condolences to Jerry Siler on the loss of his brother.


Ride Master Report- Lewis is working on setting up a Dine-In at Grizzly's.  Watch email for details.


50-50 Winner:  Judy Harrison was the lucky winner of $41.00 in our 50-50!!!




Watch your email for details for our next Dine-In.  Lewis is working on.


Next Meeting:  TUESDAY, March 11, 2025 at MONK'S.  Eat at 6:00 PM, meeting to follow.  


Recorded by:   


Jack Halbleib  

